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Energy Efficient Buildings
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9535128760 9535128752 9535166913 Year: 2017 Publisher: IntechOpen

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This book discusses energy efficient buildings and the role they play in our efforts to address climate change, energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions by considering buildings and the construction sector's unique position along a critical path to decarbonisation from a multi-perspective and holistic viewpoint. Topics covered in the book range from daylighting, building topology comparison, building envelope design, zero energy homes in hot arid regions, life-cycle considerations and energy efficiency analysis to managing energy demand through equipment selection. Each chapter addresses an important aspect of energy efficient building and serves as a vital building block towards constructing a timely and relevant body of knowledge in energy efficient buildings.

Finite Volume Method : Powerful Means of Engineering Design
ISBN: 9535156640 9535104454 Year: 2012 Publisher: IntechOpen

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We hope that among these chapters you will find a topic which will raise your interest and engage you to further investigate a problem and build on the presented work. This book could serve either as a textbook or as a practical guide. It includes a wide variety of concepts in FVM, result of the efforts of scientists from all over the world. However, just to help you, all book chapters are systemized in three general groups: New techniques and algorithms in FVM; Solution of particular problems through FVM and Application of FVM in medicine and engineering. This book is for everyone who wants to grow, to improve and to investigate.

ISSN: 24119660 Year: 2017 Publisher: Basel : MDPI AG,

3D Printing
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1789239664 1789239656 1838817883 Year: 2018 Publisher: IntechOpen

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This book, ""3D Printing"", is divided into two parts: the first part is devoted to the relationship between 3D printing and engineering, and the second part shows the impact of 3D printing on the medical sector in general. There are five sections in the first part (sections are dedicated to stereolithography, new techniques of high-resolution 3D printing, application of 3D printers in architecture and civil engineering, the additive production with the metal components and the management of production by using previously mentioned technology in more complex ways). There are four chapters in the second part with the following topics: education of medical staff through surgical simulations, tissue engineering and potential applications of 3D printing in ophthalmology and orthopedics.

Logic : jurnal rancang bangun dan teknologi.
ISSN: 1412114X 25805649 Publisher: [Denpasar, Indonesia] : P3M Politeknik Negeri Bali

Dynamical systems
ISBN: 9783906980522 Year: 2014 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland : MDPI,

Latin American journal of solids and structures.
ISSN: 16797817 16797825 Year: 2003 Publisher: São Paulo, SP : M. Alves.

Visualization in engineering.
Authors: --- ---
ISSN: 22137459 Year: 2013 Publisher: Heidelberg, Germany : Springer-Verlag, GmbH,

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"The aim of Visualization in Engineering is to disseminate original and high quality research results on the visualization paradigms, models, technologies, and applications that have significant contributions to the advancement of all aspects of design and engineering. The journal is devoted to scholarly research on improving all aspects of design and engineering (including civil, mechanical, manufacturing, industrial, aerospace, etc.) through the applications of visualization technologies."

Journal of accessibility and design for all.
ISSN: 20137087 Year: 2011 Publisher: Barcelona : Accessibility Chair of Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya,

Think Big, Start Small : Streetscooter die e-mobile Erfolgsstory: Innovationsprozesse radikal effizienter
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 3662549972 3662549816 Year: 2017 Publisher: Springer Nature

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Dieses Buch ist eine Open-Access-Publikation unter einer CC BY 4.0 Lizenz. »Wenn eine Idee anfangs nicht absurd klingt, dann gibt es keine Hoffnung für sie« Albert Einstein Ideen werden am Anfang gerne in Frage gestellt. Die Macher des StreetScooter sind anders herangegangen, sie haben den Status quo, der sich ihnen bot, in Frage gestellt. Der herkömmliche Innovationsprozess bei der Entwicklung neuer, nachhaltiger Produkte war in ihren Augen viel zu aufwendig und zu teuer. In der Automobilindustrie dauert er viele Jahre und verschlingt Milliarden. Wie ein radikal anderes Innovationsdenken zu bezahlbarer Funktionalität führt, zeigt die rasante Entwicklung eines ungewöhnlichen Unternehmens, das aus der Rheinisch-Westfälisch-Technischen Hochschule Aachen hervorgegangen ist und heute der Deutschen Post DHL gehört. Es ist eine e-mobile Erfolgsstory über ein Fahrzeug, das kundenspezifisch, wirtschaftlich, ökologisch, flexibel, sicher und zuverlässig ist. Ausgewählte Stimmen zum StreetScooter: »Mit gesundem Menschenverstand an die Sache herangegangen. In den verkrusteten Dino-Hierarchien der Old Technology wäre so ein Projekt höchstens bis zum Papierkorb im Archiv gekommen.« »Eines der wenigen sinnvollen Projekte. Elektromobilität ist selten an die Bedürfnisse und Notwendigkeiten angepasst. Der StreetScooter ist genau das, was gebraucht wird.« »Auch für den freien Verkauf geeignet, da die Besonderheiten wie großer ergonomischer Laderaum und Ein- bzw. Ausstieg mit weniger Sitzabnutzung sowie verstärkten Türen, also weniger anfällig und geringere Service- und Wartungskosten für viele andere Kunden kaufentscheidend sind.« This book is open access under a CC BY 4.0 licence. “If an idea doesn’t sound absurd at the start, then it doesn’t have a chance.” Albert Einstein People love to challenge ideas at the start. The makers of StreetScooter approached things differently: they challenged the status quo they were presented with instead. In their view, the conventional process of innovation in developing new, sustainable products was much too complicated and too expensive. In the automobile industry, this takes many years and costs billions. The rapid development of an unusual company emerging from the RWTH Aachen University and now part of Deutsche Post DHL demonstrates how a radically different innovative thinking leads to affordable functionality, It is an e-mobile success story about a vehicle that is customized, economic, ecological, flexible, safe, and reliable. Selected quotes on the StreetScooter: “Approached the issue with common sense. In the crusty stone age hierarchies of the old technology, such a project would most often end up deep-sixed.” “One of the few sensible projects. Electromobility is rarely adapted to needs and necessities. The StreetScooter is exactly what is needed.” “Also suitable for free sale to others, since features such as large ergonomic loading area and boarding and disembarking with less seat wear and reinforced doors, and therefore more durable with lower service and maintenance costs are decisive buying decision factors for many other customers.”.

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